Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back to the Doc

I have another appointment with my fertility specialist today.  This appointment will determine the direction we are going.  I'm thrilled because my husband is able to join. He was suppose to be in DC for work, but is instead joining me for the appointment.  It is, OUR decision, after all!  

This is the work-up we've done so far:

1) Semen Analysis on my husband - normal
2) Blood work on me - normal
4) Vaginal Ultrasound - normal
4) HSG - fallopian tubes are non obstructed and both open, however, there is a mass (fibroid v. polyp) in my uterus that most likely needs to be removed.

The appointment today, I'm assuming, will discuss the necessity for removal and our next plan of action.  At my last appointment the Doctor mentioned clomid with IUI as a possible next step.  He also discussed the possibility of doing a laparoscopy to diagnose and treat endometriosis since I have many of the symptoms (extremely heavy and painful menses).  My concern is that my insurance suddenly drops coverage involving fertility the minute I start fertility treatment.  Thus far, it has been diagnostic work, which my insurance covers.  I need to figure out whether or not they'll cover my laparoscopy for endometriosis unrelated to infertility.  Endometriosis is a very serious medical condition and I think it's quite unfair of the insurance companies to not cover this procedure even if someone has attempted Clomid or some other type of fertility drug.  It just doesn't make any sense to me and in fact makes me quite ANGRY!  Insurance companies are essentially telling women they're not concerned with their suffering.  Do you think the people working for these insurance companies ever get screwed over by their own insurance provider?  They must!  So sad!

Anyway, not going to let insurance drag me down... I'm going to continue to fight this battle with all of my might, courage, and strength.  

I'm thinking about trying fertility acupuncture... anyone ever tried it?

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